Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Procrastination and cravings

These two seem to go hand in hand. I'm trying this anti-candida diet at the moment, which means no sugar or carbs of any to satisfy my craving for a really nice, moist, not-too-sweet, buttery, chocolatey hunk of goodness, I just ate some coconut butter mixed with walnuts and cocoa nibs. Hah! You can have chocolate without sugar, and for all you nay-sayers, chocolate does NOT have caffeine: I learned this in my O-chem class years ago. There is a molecule similar to caffeine in cocoa, but it has a much milder effect on the body.
-Okay, I just checked wikipedia to make sure I didn't make this one up, and it turns out cocoa does have a very small amount of caffeine...but the molecule responsible for chocolate's mood-enhancing effects is theobromine, caffeine's mellower Santa Cruz cousin. Check it out for yourselves if you're a nerd like me:

So what about procrastination? I seem to be really excellent at procrastinating around the same time that I have cravings for bomb desserts and other unmentionables. I haven't figured this relationship out yet, it could be me avoiding my responsibilities, or it could be my freakin' low blood sugar because of this diet. I know it's all worth it if my poor digestive system starts running like the smooth, well-oiled, brilliant piece of machinary it was meant to be.
From Photo Library

I'm going to end this and get to work, my volunteer work for this internship I'm doing. Maybe that's another reason I'm putting off work (the not-getting-paid bit)...but I do really like the organization I'm working for and the people I'm working with. The Ecological Landscaping Association, a grass-roots non-profit that helps "green" landscapers network and learn new techniques/develop new technologies, materials, etc.

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