Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Newsflash on Mason jars

You smarties probably already thought of this, but here's a way to keep using Mason jars without the PVC lined lid piece: double some 'eco-friendly' non-plasticized plastic wrap or non-bleached waxed paper over jar, and screw on the lid rim over this. Of course this approach won't work for canning, but at least for storage purposes it should be adequate.
I'm still on the lookout for jars with non-PVC'd lids.
This post and the last bring me to the subject of storage of food in general, and how to do it in the safest way. Stay tuned for my first Enviro-Freak Special: "Innocuous Storage Techniques and Materials"

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

PVC rant and Mason jar lids

I'm going to go off on the invasion of PVC and toxic plasticizer chemicals into the most innocent nooks and crannies of our lives. And on the general bullshit that this, a lack of concern in industry for any repercussions from the processes and materials used. It seems to me that this lack of concern was more excusable in the 50's when brand-new technological advances were popping up left and right. But in this day and age, with the general knowledge and awareness of the hazards of man-made, untested chemicals, and considering the expanding societal awareness of the interrelatedness of all beings and matter -C'MON FOLKS!!!!! Where's da thinkin' hat? Oh, woops, left that in the microwave with my cup o'noodles last night. Actually, my friends, cup o'noodles IS your thinking cap. Just empty it out, and stick it on your head - after it smashes a bit and outgasses god knows what, take a few deep sniffs and you'll be feelin' dandy.

So I just bought a flat of Mason jars to put my newly made date spread in. I was trying to use a storage device that was not involving plastic, to protect my food and myself from possible outgassing of tiny molecules I'd rather NOT be ingesting. Is that too much to ask? I don't give a crap if there isn't enough "scientific evidence" to implicate dangers of such practices. Really, if you just apply common sense, it should be clear enough. We have enough exposure to toxins in our lives that we cannot mitigate, therefore, even something that may have a small effect merits dealing with if it's not too much trouble. After opening a Mason jar, a delightful aroma of - NASTY PVC goodness wafted out and sunk me right in the nose. To confirm my suspicion, I took a big whiff from the lid - and yes, my unsuspecting friends, the lids are now lined with PVC. To back up this confirmation, I did a little net research, and found two studies on the toxic plastizers often used with the PVC lining of glass jars that have airtight seals: and
Juuuust fuuuuucking great. My husband already filled two jars with the yummiferous date spread, and the freakin' spread stinks too. Now, I do have a very sensitive sniffer, but I think that's a gift to use wisely. I'm now on a mission to find storage jars without the goddamn PVC stay tuned, I'll let you know what I find.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Procrastination and cravings

These two seem to go hand in hand. I'm trying this anti-candida diet at the moment, which means no sugar or carbs of any to satisfy my craving for a really nice, moist, not-too-sweet, buttery, chocolatey hunk of goodness, I just ate some coconut butter mixed with walnuts and cocoa nibs. Hah! You can have chocolate without sugar, and for all you nay-sayers, chocolate does NOT have caffeine: I learned this in my O-chem class years ago. There is a molecule similar to caffeine in cocoa, but it has a much milder effect on the body.
-Okay, I just checked wikipedia to make sure I didn't make this one up, and it turns out cocoa does have a very small amount of caffeine...but the molecule responsible for chocolate's mood-enhancing effects is theobromine, caffeine's mellower Santa Cruz cousin. Check it out for yourselves if you're a nerd like me:

So what about procrastination? I seem to be really excellent at procrastinating around the same time that I have cravings for bomb desserts and other unmentionables. I haven't figured this relationship out yet, it could be me avoiding my responsibilities, or it could be my freakin' low blood sugar because of this diet. I know it's all worth it if my poor digestive system starts running like the smooth, well-oiled, brilliant piece of machinary it was meant to be.
From Photo Library

I'm going to end this and get to work, my volunteer work for this internship I'm doing. Maybe that's another reason I'm putting off work (the not-getting-paid bit)...but I do really like the organization I'm working for and the people I'm working with. The Ecological Landscaping Association, a grass-roots non-profit that helps "green" landscapers network and learn new techniques/develop new technologies, materials, etc.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Welcome to the World of Aimsta B. My world is a warm and fuzzy haven, full of loop-t-loops, spirals, and flower-cookie motifs to stimulate the trippy button in everyone's brain - yes, even those of you who wear only khaki, white, navy, and/or black. Come along and throw convention to the wind!